Talk•2•Me is the latest in talk ware from Chris Salzmann. With Talk•2•Me your mac becomes an intercom allowing you to talk by voice -in real time- to all connected macs. But wait, That's not all! It also works as an answering machine, recording incoming messages and even playing personalized messages to specific callers.
Talk•2•Me.Answer is a very small background only application which allows you to receive messages sent by Talk•2•Me. Talk•2•Me.Answer is not needed to receive messages if Talk•2•Me is installed.
This is a Shareware. If you decide to keep it and would also like to sleep peacefully without nightmares about starving shareware writers, please send $10 or an appropriate amount to the address below. Thank you.
◊◊◊ DO NOT RENAME Talk•2•Me and Talk•2•Me.Answer. ◊◊◊
• You need:
- System 7.x
- a microphone, built-in or a MacRecorder, if you want talk.
- Appletalk turned ON (in the chooser)
- Program Linking turned ON (in control panel - sharing setup)
- a user account with the Program Linking Option ON (prefer the <Guest> account if
you want to receive messages from any everyone.
(in control panel - users and groups - <anyuser>)
• Quick Start:
◊ Part one:
- Turn AppleTalk ON
- Turn Program Linking ON
- Check the <Guest> Program Linking Option
- Double click on Talk•2•Me
- Select "<-> YourName" in the list (first item)
- Click on the Talk button and say something to you microphone, when finished
release the mouse button.
- Hear your message !
◊ Part two:
- Now you can install Talk•2•Me.Answer in another mac.
- Copy it into the start-up Item folder (in the system folder)
- Set AppleTalk, Program Linking and <Guest> Program Linking Option the same way as
in the first part.
- Restart your mac or double-click on Talk•2•Me.Answer to launch it.
◊ Part three:
- Go back to the previous Mac.
- Select UpdateUserList in the File Menu.
- You'll see the name of the Mac where Talk•2•Me.Answer is installed
under "<-> YourName".
- Users with -> can only receive message
- Users with <-> can receive and send voice message.
• More:
◊ To Talk to more than one Talk•2•Me users:
- Select users with shift click.
- Click on the talk button, same as for one user.
- Voila ! The message will be sent to all the selected users.
◊ To see Talk•2•Me users in other zones
- Click on the zoom box to open the full window.
- Select one or more zones. The users list will be updated automatically.
◊ To assign a HotKey to a specific user
- Double click on a user in the list with the Option key down.
- Press the key you want to assign to this user. (keys F1 to F15, A to Z and 0 to 9)
- Now you can press the hot key to talk to the specific user. (works the same way as
the Talk button)
- The hot keys are saved in the preferences file.
◊ To use the answering machine capabilities.
- Click on the zoom box to open the full window.
- Select the Auto Answer box.
- If you haven't recorded a Default message, you will be asked to at this time.
- The Default message (if no other message is specified) will be heard by the caller
when he/she tries to talk to you.
◊ To record automatic response for a selected user:
- Click on the record button (red).
- Type the name of the user. (The name which appears on the user list).
- Record the message.
- The Specified message will be heard by the caller when he/she tries to talk to you.
- You can play it back by selecting the message in the list and clicking the play button
- You can erase a selected message by clicking the erase button (black).
◊ To record incoming messages:
- Click on the zoom box to open the full window.
- Select the Record Message box.
- Incoming messages will be then saved and added
to the list with the name of the caller, the date and the time.
- You can play and erase the selected messages as you wish.
◊ You can use the AutoGuest INIT to automatically invoke the <Guest> option if it is
available on the remote machine.
◊ Talk•2•Me.Answer has a 98 K memory partition but it can run with a 7 K memory
partition, in this case system memory will be used instead of application memory,
so long messages might not be played and will depend on the system.
◊ Balloon Help is available.
◊ Has been successfully tested on a Quadra 900 & 700, Mac 2cx, Mac 2ci, Mac SE30.
I haven’t tried it on other machines.
This is a ShareWare, if you keep it, please send me $10.
Make your check payable to Christophe Salzmann
and mail it to Christophe Salzmann
c/o Oscar D. Crisalle
P.O. Box 14955
Gainesville, FL 32604
◊◊◊ Inquiries from resellers are more than welcome ◊◊◊
Comments, Contacts, Bugs report, ...
E-Mail :
AppleLink : CH0164
mail to the above address.
◊ Some people may also know Talk•2•Me under its first release name: inter•phone. (Europe)
I'm currently working on a cross-platform version (Mac - Windows and later Unix) using TCP/IP. Registered users will be informed of new versions.
You use Talk•2•Me and Talk•2•Me.Answer at your how risk. The writer, Christophe Salzmann, assumes absolutly no responsability for any damages of any kind caused by this product.
Have fun with Talk•2•me,
Thanks to
Oscar, Jean-Christophe, Jeff, Denis, Jean-François, François, Laurent, Eduardo, Thomas, Philippe G., Philippe J. and Dominik.
I used
AppMaker, Think Pascal (thanks for the debbugger), ResEdit, MacBugs, Swatch (great).